

Jessica is not a doctor or registered dietitian.

The content of this website or any other document provided by Jessica should not be taken as medical advice. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem. It is also not intended to replace the advice of a physician.

Like every science, medicine and its related disciplines are constant subjects to developments. Research and clinical experience expand our knowledge, especially regarding treatment and therapy. As far as in my advice recommendation, dosage, application, etc. is mentioned, you can trust that I have taken great care that this information corresponds to the current state of knowledge. However, no liability can be assumed for such. You act on your own responsibility. Furthermore, my recommendation and advice should not replace medical advice, diagnosis or treatment in the case of an existing illness - it is not a therapy. In the event of complaints, medical advice should be sought.

All content included is intellectual property of Jessica Karwat and are not to be copied, sold or distributed without my written consent.