Free Resources

Vegan, Feminine & FIt Workshop

A 3 Day FREE Workshop To Discover the Unique System For Vegan Weight Loss And Let Go Of Toxic Dieting

Sustainable Weight-Loss does NOT start with a strict diet. It starts with learning that women are NOT like little men. In this workshop I will share the exact system, that will help YOU lose weight, easily, effortlessly and keep it off forever! This is a proven system that changed the lives of hundreds of women worldwide.

Cycle Syncing Mini Workbook

In this workbook you will find:
  • Vegan recipes for each phase of the cycle to increase energy levels!
  • Foods to each during each phase so you can start cycle syncing today

  • Journal prompts for each phase of the cycle for self-discovery!

  • The four phases and how to sync with the cycle to become your own cycle expert!


The Plantiful Goddess Podcast is made for the ambitious woman who is ready to step into her true power. Hosted by leading online holistic coach for women, certified vegan nutritionist, fitness trainer, yogi and reiki master, Jessica Karwat leaves you with the best practical tips on vegan health & fitness, the menstrual cycle, relationship with food and so much more, so that you can reconnect with the powerful goddess that you are meant to be. If you are ready to elevate your health and life, hit that follow button and get ready to become the healthiest version of yourself, inside and out.

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If you would like help with:

1. Learning about the menstrual cycle and how to sync with it 2. Transforming your health with sustainable long-lasting results 3. Healing the relationship that you have with yourself 4. Creating the life of your dreams 5. Diving deeper into your intuitive feminine energy 6. Learn how to be the healthiest vegan!