Turn your Period into your Superpower

The menstrual cycle has four phases, which affect our bodies in different ways. They will change our energy level, the way we feel, the way we eat, the way we train, even the way we work.

Unfortunately, society is not built around the cycle of women. Birth control, more specifically the pill, was invented and has allowed women to live like men without those hormone fluctuations, which also made us sick in a way. For some of us, it made us sick for longer, since the pill suppresses ovulation and our natural cycle. As a result, girls are pushed towards the pill, often feeling like it’s the only good option, and know very little about their cycles and how to work WITH it. 

I use to focus only on the menstrual phase, as I was taught to believe it was the only one of actual importance and the only one creating changes in my body. That is so far from being true. Once I learned and truly started to work WITH my body and its phases, everything changed for me. And I want to same to happen to you, to all of us.

I want to cover all the phases eventually, but today, I will focus on the menstrual phase, the bleeding period, and discover the hidden beauty of this time of the month. I won’t cover much of the biological side of it but will bring your attention mainly to how it impacts our lifestyle and how we can use this time to our advantage. How can we make the most out of our menstruations without feeling drained or overwhelmed?

On average, our period lasts around five to six days. The bleeding is a response of the body to our hormone levels which start to drop the week before our period when an egg isn’t fertilized. At this time, our hormones and body temperature are both low. It’s basically winter in our bodies. 

Menstruation Lifestyle Hack

To really make the most out of everything that I’m about to say, make sure you really are able to plan out time for yourself. If it is possible, take one or two days to yourself. If you can avoid a booking or any meetings for the first or second day of your period, that's recommended. If that is not possible, try to reduce your workload by saying no and establishing boundaries.

The first thing that you want to do is choose the things that feel good to you during this time. As I already mentioned, during the menstrual phase, our hormone levels are at their lowest. This actually means that you are probably at your lowest in terms of energy as well.

You also want to wear something comfortable that does not make you feel restricted in your movement. For example, I do not like wearing any type of jeans or any type of tight leggings, because they make me feel restricted, especially when I'm bloated and my stomach is a little bit more round. It’s normal and common to feel bloated because of water retention during your period, so give yourself some slack (literally, let it loose around the waist). Try to choose something that you still feel cute in, so you can enhance that feminine energy of yours. You could wear a comfortable loose dress for example. Having a hot pack to relieve cramps nearby is also not a bad idea, as you probably already know.

Creating time for some self-care is obviously crucial. Using a natural face mask is a great thing to incorporate into your menstrual me-time routine since we are more prone to breakouts and inflammation during those days. My suggestion is: Apply a face mask, get cozy in a warm bath with relaxing essential oils such as lavender, cinnamon or peppermint, and simply enjoy.

One last hack I find important to mention is to use organic tampons and pads or even consider using a menstrual cup for your bleeding. Organic is important because non-organic pads and tampons contain toxins, such as dioxides, which are used in the bleaching process of making cotton. They use it to make the tampon look clean, but in turn, could also increase your chances of developing cancer. So watch out for that!

Rest and Reflect

Traditional Chinese medicine describes the menstrual phase as a time where our energy is turned inward and goes through a cleansing process. It's recommended to get some rest during this time and engage only in gentle exercise. That’s why I believe the mantra surrounding menstruation should be “Rest and Reflect”. 

Physically, our body is getting rid of what no longer serves us by bleeding. It’s quite literally an act of letting go of the old to welcome the new (and how beautiful is that right?). It makes sense then that, emotionally, we do the same. Or at least really should do the same. It is our chance to let go of the old and welcome the new.

To do so, I suggest you take the time somewhere in those 5 days to meditate and journal. Make sure you are well-rested, maybe take a nap before, and then grab your journal. The menstrual phase is the time of reflection and renewal. To help you with this, I created a menstruation journal prompt guide. Note these down and come back to them each month during your period. I suggest you do this as an exercise even if you feel good and happy. Try to answer these questions intuitively, to have a better more honest understanding of how you feel. Keep in mind, those questions are not meant for you to be judgmental towards yourself. They are an exploration of what is there to be released, and what you want to welcome in. Be kind and gentle with yourself.

Period Power Journaling Prompt

  • What went well this last month? What are the things that were good in my life?

  • What makes me feel happy?

  • What didn’t go so well this last month?

  • Have I been putting unnecessary pressure on myself this last month?

  • How am I feeling right now? What feelings or emotions are coming to the surface?

  • How long have I felt this way? Have I suppressed these feelings? Why did I suppress them?

  • Am I satisfied with my life at the moment? If not, what is unsatisfying for me?

  • If I close my eyes and take a deep breath, how does my body feel? Is my body trying to tell me something that I might have been ignoring?

  • What do I want to welcome in my life? What do I want more of?

  • What is my intention for the next month?

During this journaling session, some things might come up for you. As I said, be gentle and loving with yourself as you do this exercise. Honour yourself by simply showing up for yourself, by taking the time to be with yourself. Once again, remember: There is nothing wrong with taking this time for yourself. It's actually a beautiful act of love. So allow yourself to do that, to rest, to reflect, and to set new intentions.


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