How To Lose Weight On A Vegan Diet (and keep it off)

As a coach, I get this question A LOT. The truth is, there are many different opinions on different vegan diets that will help you lose weight. From vegan KETO, to fruitarian, to high carb, low carb. You name it. And yes, some of these might even work. But NONE of these will work in the long run. All the above are short term solutions, not teaching you a sustainable way to lose weight on a vegan diet.

So let me share with you the best approach to weight loss on a vegan diet.

My name is Jessica Karwat and I am a Vegan Health Coach for women, vegan nutritionist, fitness trainer and the Founder of the Women’s Academy of Transformation. Having worked with over 200 women worldwide, I have found THE way that will help you lose weight on a vegan diet and keep it off, forever.


Leading with a high protein vegan diet will do wonders for your weight loss but also for your well-being.

Most vegan meals, if we look them up online or if we go to restaurants, are low in protein. And having a meal once in a while that doesn’t have the perfect ration of protein is alright, but in the long run we are overeating on carbs and fat and missing out on the most important macronutrient.

Protein is important for many different factors as it will not only increase your satiety with each meal that you have, but it also plays a key role in the creation and maintenance of every cell in our bodies.

Protein will help speed up your recovery after exercise, it helps reduce muscle loss, it helps build lean muscle, helps maintain a healthy wait and helps with hormone regulation.

So making sure that each of your meals has one good protein source, will help you go a long way.

Good vegan protein sources are: tofu, tempeh, seitan, TVP, fake meats, bean pastas, lentils.

80-20 Rule

This is one of my favorite ‘rules’ that I teach my clients if they want to lose weight on a vegan diet, and keep it off.

This approach is based on the idea, that dieting or a healthy lifestyle don’t need to be restrictive, but just the opposite, that you can still eat abundant amounts of your favorite foods.

The 80-20 rule suggest this: 80% of your meals should consist of nutritious balanced vegan meals 20% of your meals can consist of happiness foods/treats.

By following this approach, you are not only NOT restricting yourself, but simultaneously learning to create a lifestyle that will allow you to live a normal life. Because life happens.

You will want to go out, meet with friends, have a drink, without feeling like you have ‘messed up’ your diet again.

3 Balanced Meals a Day

Eating 3 balanced meals per day is an important part of a sustainable weight loss journey on a vegan diet. A balanced meal includes all three macronutrients - protein, fats, and carbohydrates. Good protein sources for vegans include tofu, tempeh, seitan, TVP, and bean pastas. Healthy fat sources include avocados, nuts, seeds, and oils. Carbohydrates can be found in potatoes, rice, grains, beans, bread, fruit, and vegetables.

By consuming a balanced meal, you are providing your body with the necessary nutrients it needs to function properly. Additionally, a balanced meal helps with satiety levels, reducing hunger and the need to overeat. Eating 3 balanced meals a day is a sustainable approach to weight loss on a vegan diet.

By incorporating these tips, you can lose weight on a vegan diet in a sustainable way without feeling restricted or deprived.

If you're ready to dive deeper and see results right away, consider joining my Plantiful Goddess Program, a personalized coaching program for vegan women.


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